Over the past month, Mac, Jake, Trent and Flynn have been volunteering at SFC. They are from Loyola High School and are completing their Senior Service project. We took the time to ask the boys about their experience and time here at SFC.

Q: Why did you pick SFC for your Senior Service project?
A: We picked SFC because we read the description and it seemed very hands on and impactful to the community. We also picked SFC because it is located close to campus so we would be serving the community we are a part of.
Q: What have you enjoyed about being here?
A: Our favorite part about being here is serving guests and hearing stories about their stories. Everything happens first hand here from the box building, to packaging the boxes, to handing them out to families and seeing the smiles on their faces. It’s good to be able to put a face to the community and seeing the impact the center makes first hand.

Q: What have you learned? Any new perspectives?
A: The biggest thing we’ve learned from volunteering here is about the community in general and the impact we can make if we all work together. After speaking with guests we were able to gain knowledge about what it is like to be unhoused or extremely low income. We recognize that there are cycles of homelessness and poverty and it’s easy to get caught up in it. We’ve also learned that because of COVID there is a bigger need for families and individuals facing hardships. This project served as a reminder that we cannot judge a book by its cover and not to generalize a group or population as a whole because we never know what someone is going through.
Q: What is your hope for our community?
A: Our hope for our community is for more people to come out and volunteer and gain a new perspective of the community. We hope that the more people who come out and volunteer and see the impact they make first hand will create a bigger impact for the community. We also hope in the future we continue to destigmatize what it means to be an unhoused or extremely low income individual.
Q: Any good stories to share?
A: We took the time to talk to a guest named David and he informed us that he painted the mural in front of the center. He gave us more insight of his art experience and other projects he has worked on. We also spoke with an elderly lady during Senior Friday’s and she explained to us that the pantry boxes are a big help and give her the chance to save some money.